In the Elder Law Clinic, students serve senior clients with many legal needs: wills and trusts, powers of attorney, living wills, property and financial needs, and government benefits. The goals of the Elder Law Clinic are to bring security and independence to our clients and to provide students with experience serving clients and their families. We do not typically engage in litigation in the Elder Law Clinic but instead work to help clients and their families avoid conflicts and proceed into later years and end-of-life with peace and stability.
We take seriously our callings to honor parents and to care for widows, so we take cases especially for those in need or with particular vulnerability to destitution or exploitation. Students work with compassion, creativity, honor, excellence and professionalism, and they must exercise discipline, insight and precision in their work.
Assistant Clinical Professor of Law John C. Craft supervises and teaches the Elder Law Clinic.
We collaborate with several area organizations to provide comprehensive services to our clients: