Student Resources

Below is a list of resources that Faulkner Law students will find useful throughout their time at Faulkner Law.

Access your semester grades – You will need your student identification number and password.

Access your email – You will need your student identification number and password.

Change your contact information.

Review the Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct.

Access the 2024-2025 Faulkner Law Student Handbook (To access, use your login credentials.)

Degree Verification

Law Student Addendum to Application - Students who need to update their law school application with additional information related to character and fitness should use this form. After completing this form, please return the form to the Dean’s Suite.

Contact the Administration: Provide feedback, comments, suggestions, or written complaints. Note: Information about how to file written complaints about compliance with ABA Standards or other matters may be found here.

The Non-Academic Complaint/Grievance Form is provided on the University’s Student Complaint Process page.

Request for Distribution of Student Relief Funds: Faulkner Law maintains the Student Relief Fund in order to assist students with traumatic losses or expenses that might otherwise prohibit them from completing their law school educations. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account such factors as the total funds available, the number of students in need, the amounts at issue, the unforeseeability of the loss or expense, and the requesting student’s ability to continue his or her legal studies without assistance.

Scholarship Data Bank: Many organizations offer scholarships for law students. Faulkner Law students can access this data bank using their Faulkner email account credentials.

Transcript Request Form: If requesting an official transcript, please go to Parchment to request your transcript.

Unofficial Transcripts: Current law students can request a PDF copy of their unofficial transcript by emailing the Law Registrar at