Handbooks and Forms for Student Organizations
Needed Documents for Student Organizations
Handbooks and Request Forms
(To access these documents, log into your Faulkner University email account.)
Student Organizations
Agriculture Law Society
Alabama Defense Lawyers Association
This student section of the state association was established in 2010 to allow students with an interest in the defense of civil actions and the promotion of fairness and integrity in the civil justice system to network with practicing civil defense attorneys and to develop mentoring-type relationships with members of the bench and bar.
Black Law Students Association – Ernestine S. Sapp Chapter
Black Law Students Association (“BLSA”) was established to address the community and political concerns surrounding minority law students. BLSA is committed to the achievement of all law students and has developed a blueprint for law school success through an open academic enrichment program. In addition, members strive to create professional alliances between BLSA, faculty, other student organizations, and members of the legal and political communities in Alabama.
Board of Advocates
The Board of Advocates is a select group of students who promote and pursue opportunities for all students to enhance the skills necessary to be effective advocates. In addition to the coordination and support of its interscholastic competition, the Board is responsible for every aspect of intramural competitions. Membership on the Board is extended to outstanding second and third-year students who have shown dedication and commitment to the school’s advocacy programs. The Director of Advocacy Programs holds auditions for the Board of Advocates each spring.
Christian Legal Society
The Christian Legal Society is a nationwide membership organization of Christian attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students. The basic and primary purpose of the Christian Legal Society is to equip, inspire, and challenge law students to serve Jesus Christ actively through the legal profession.
Faulkner Law Democrats
Faulkner Law Democrats is an organization dedicated to promoting a better America, with equality, opportunity, and freedom within a just and strong society by inviting and organizing the participation of all Faulkner Law students. Its goals are to explore political and service opportunities available to law students, host speakers to discuss relevant issues facing the state and nation, and create opportunities for students to network with Democratic leaders. For more information on College Democrats of America, visit http://www.collegedems.com.
Faulkner Law Review
The Faulkner Law Review is an entirely student-run journal that publishes scholarly articles written by law professors, judges, and other legal professionals. These articles can be cited by judges in legal opinions and by other scholars, which enhances the prestige of both the journal and the author. Students are invited to apply for Law Review in their second year of law school. Students who have a minimum 2.5 grade point average and are ranked in the top 35% of their class will be invited to participate in the competitive application process. Being invited to join Law Review is an
honor and one that a student should definitely accept.
Law Review editors are responsible for editing articles submitted by scholars, which involves making sure that statements are supported by authority and that footnotes are in the correct Bluebook form. The senior
editorial staff oversees the running of the Law Review, from selecting articles for publishing to assigning work to junior editors. What this means as a Law Review member is that you could potentially help shape legal scholarship and discourse.
The Faulkner Law Review is also responsible for hosting an annual symposium where scholars present their articles to other legal professionals.
Federalist Society
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities.
Honor Court
The Honor Court, composed of student leaders elected by the law school's student body, has jurisdiction over cases involving student violations of the Law School's Honor Code.
Jones Law Republicans
The Jones Law Republicans is an organization of conservative minded students who support Republican ideals and work to support those ideals in our community. Its goals are to explore political opportunities available to law students, host speakers to discuss relevant issues, and create opportunities for students to network with Republican leaders.
Jones Public Interest Law Foundation
Jones Public Interest Law Foundation (JPILF) is a forum for studentes interested in performing public service legal work to support one another and explore public interest concerns. JPILF, partnering with Faulkner Law's Public Interest Programs Office, provides financial support for students engaging in public interest work through its summer stipend program. JPILF strives to provide fellowship for law students interested in improving their communities an dprovide opportunities for law students to do just that.
Law Student for the Second Amendment
Law Students for the Second Amendment (LS2A) subsists to protect the Second Amendment of the United STates Constitution. We Strive to provide informative and educational firearm safety courses with the assistance of our local community and law enforcement agencies. We also hold seminars on self-defense and host debates related to gun rights and gun control. Firearm experience is not required to join.
Military Veterans Law Association
The Military Veterans Law Association (MVLA) is an organization of veterans, those looking to join the military, and anyone who is interested in veteran issues. The MVLA is dedicated to helping those join the military by working closely with the JAG Recruiters to schedule events and keep everyone informed about upcoming deadlines. The MVLA works to help its members succeed while in law school.
Phi Alpha Delta – Albert Patterson Chapter
The purpose of Phi Alpha Delta is to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement, so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service.
Sports and Entertainment Law Society
The Sports and Entertainment Law Society provides student interaction with the entertainment community (sports, film/TV, music, media technologies, journalism, etc.) and attorneys practicing in these fields to aid in the preparation for a career in entertainment. The organization facilitates guest speakers on campus; hosts networking events where students can interact with practitioners in the entertainment industry; provides students with aid to attend entertainment seminars, networking events, and competitions; and competitions; and helps students build their networking skills.
Student Bar Association
The Student Bar Association is a student service organization. It is administered by student officers elected by the student body. The purpose of the organization is to make students aware of obligations and responsibilities existing for lawyers through bar association activities; to promote a consciousness of professional responsibility; and to provide a forum for students. The SBA actively develops programs and social activities for the student body. The officers and representatives serve as liaisons to the Law School Administration.
Women’s Legal Society
Women’s Legal Society is an organization that works to promote the individual and collective impact of the law students through networking, mentoring, education, recognition, and community involvement.