

Faulkner Law Review invites proposals for its Symposium Issue, Volume 10, Issue 1, which will be published in Fall 2018. The mission of Faulkner Law Review is to publish a varied body of legal scholarship with the purpose of advancing legal discussion of timely and practical legal issues impacting the Anglo-American legal tradition.

The theme of the upcoming volume will be “The Role of the Legislature in the Anglo-American Legal Tradition.” Authors accepted for publication will be invited to present their articles at our annual Law Review Symposium, which will be held in late September or early October in Montgomery, Alabama.

Individuals interested in submitting an article are asked to provide a 100 to 200-word abstract explaining their proposed topic. Please direct any inquiries to the Editor-in-Chief at The deadline to submit proposals is June 1, 2018, and may be sent via email directly to the Editor-in-Chief or submitted through Scholastica.  Find more details by clicking the link below.

Submit to Faulkner Law Review