(MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA) — The Blackstone & Burke Center for Law & Liberty at Faulkner University Thomas Goode Jones School of Law announces “A Commemoration of Alabama’s Constitutions,” a symposium addressing the complex history of Alabama’s six constitutions. The event will feature seven sessions that include a variety of speakers with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise: Steve Murray (Director, Department of Archives and History), Armand DeKeyser (Executive Director, Alabama Humanities Foundation), Chief Justice Tom Parker (Alabama Supreme Court), Allen Mendenhall (Faulkner University Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, Blackstone & Burke Center), William H. Stewart (University of Alabama), Richard Bailey (historian and author), Steven Brown (Auburn University), Scotty Kirkland (Department of Archives and History), Volney Riser (University of West Alabama), Chief Justice Brent E. Dickson (Indiana Supreme Court, retired), Julian D. Butler (attorney, Alabama Humanities Foundation Board, Alabama Department of Archives and History Board), J. Mills Thornton (University of Michigan), Ashley Penhale (Alabama State Bar), Susan Pace Hamill (University of Alabama), Justice Tommy Bryan (Alabama Supreme Court), Michael DeBoer (Faulkner University), and Timothy Lewis (Director, Alabama Supreme Court State Law Library). This event is cosponsored by the Alabama Department of Archives and History, the Alabama Bicentennial Commission, and the Alabama Humanities Foundation and will afford guests the opportunity to view the new exhibition We the People: Alabama’s Defining Documents.
Where: Alabama Department of Archives and History, 624 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36130
When: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (see attached flyer for particular sessions), October 30, 2019
Parking: Limited parking is available in the Archives’ Adams Avenue parking lot. Please do not park in spaces marked “volunteer” or “visitor” during normal business hours. Street parking is available near the Archives.
All are welcome. The Alabama State Bar has approved this event for 6.5 hours of CLE credit.
Registration for the event is available at this link: https://law.faulkner.edu/events/a-commemoration-of-alabamas-constitutions/. Box lunches will be limited to the first 80 registrants. For additional information, please contact Dr. Allen Mendenhall at amendenhall@faulkner.edu.